While mosquito season doesn’t start until February, there are a few things pond owners can do to get a head start on preventing an outbreak and transmitting potentially deadly diseases to humans, pets, and livestock.
In 2019, four cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), a deadly disease caused by mosquitos, were reported in New England. EEE is just one of several mosquito-borne diseases becoming more prevalent in North America.
Communities should not take mosquito infestations lightly. If you are a homeowner, HOA, or golf course pond manager, you have a responsibility to help prevent these nasty pests from gaining a foothold in the local community.
Here are five tips pond owners can do to help prevent an outbreak during the spring mosquito season:
Stock Mosquito Killing Fish
Most ponds are bodies of stagnant water – a prime breeding ground for mosquitos to lay their eggs. While many pond managers will opt for a species called a “Mosquitofish,” studies have shown that they are highly aggressive toward other smaller fish. If you have a dedicated fish pond, you can stock bluegill or fathead minnows, as they are slightly less aggressive than a mosquitofish. A bonus is that the bluegill will grow nice and fat on a diet of insects and is very tasty when caught and fried.
Destroy Nuisance Plants
Several plant species, such as Phragmites (the common reed) and cattails, inhibit water flow and create stagnant water conditions that are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitos. There are several ways to remove and eradicate these plant species. You can opt to use particular herbicides, but remember that they may upset the natural balance of the pond ecosystem. You can also physically remove the plants by hand or using a mechanical device.
Add Beneficial Bacteria to the Water
Bacillus thuringiensis serotype israelensis (Bti) is a strain of naturally occurring bacteria that is highly effective in controlling mosquito outbreaks. These bacteria produce a toxin that is deadly to the larvae of mosquitoes and other nuisance insects such as fungus gnats and blackflies. Best of all, Bti is non-toxic to humans, fish, birds, livestock, and pets. You can purchase this product at most garden supply or home improvement stores. Drop a few pellets into your pond and let nature take its course.
Circulate Your Stagnant Water
Ponds are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes, providing a calm, safe place for the larvae to hatch and mature. You can make your ponds unattractive to mosquitoes by adding an aerator or another device to agitate the water. If your budget doesn’t allow for a dedicated mechanical aerator, you can purchase a much cheaper floating fountain that attaches to a standard garden hose or electric pump. This added movement to your pond will make it less appealing for mosquitoes looking to lay their eggs.
Consider Pond Dredging
Mosquito larvae love to feast upon the algae outbreaks on a pond’s surface. The algae outbreaks form when the organic matter at the bottom of the pond doesn’t decay. It will release nutrients into the water column that helps sustain and even grow the algae outbreak. A professional dredging company such as American Underwater Services can help prevent mosquito outbreaks by dredging the organic material at the bottom of your pond that feeds nuisance algae. Dredging will severely limit the amount of food and mosquito larvae your body of water can sustain.
Nation-Wide Pond, River, and Lake Dredging Services
At American Underwater Services, we specialize in the dredging and maintenance of golf courses, HOAs, and homeowner ponds. Our experts have decades of experience that can help prevent deadly mosquito and algae outbreaks. Residents will be thankful that you did your part to help control a public health issue that’s becoming increasingly prevalent in this country. Call us today at (817) 377-8512 for a free quote. We can travel anywhere in the continental US. No job is too big or too small for our expert team of dredgers!