American Underwater Services, Inc.


Commercial Diver & Dredging Services

(817) 377-8512

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Commercial Diving Articles and Information

Why Does Your Pond Need Plants?

A pond without plants is nothing more than a hole in the ground filled with water. While water is attractive, supplementing it with plants makes it even better. They’ll help improve the aesthetics and provide critical life-support systems for the animals and fish that live in them. Regardless of whether you’re a homeowner or HOA/golf course manager tasked with the maintenance and upkeep of the ponds, here are a few reasons why you should consider adding some

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How do We Turn Our HOA Pond into a Fishpond?

A local pond adds value and enhances the lives of its residents. It’s aesthetically pleasing, acts as an emergency stormwater retention device, and increases the value of nearby homes. Residents often request the addition of game fish from their Homeowner association. Fulfilling this request is easier said than done. You can’t run to the live fish store, buy some trout or bass, and throw them into the pond. Fish require a delicate balance of water

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5 Pro-Active Golf Course Pond Management Tips

Managing the ponds and lakes can seem like a royal pain if you’re a golf course superintendent, especially with all your other responsibilities. Water features often feel like a hazard to both the golfer and the superintendent. From keeping the grounds clean to ensuring the ponds and lakes don’t suffer from a foul-smelling algae outbreak, there’s a lot to consider. We’ve developed a few proactive pond management tips that can help make your—and your staff’s—lives

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How to Clean Murky Pond Water

Have you ever noticed that your pond’s water is crystal-clear in the winter and murky pea-green in the summer? This is due to various natural processes that cause water to turn murky or clear. In the summer, frogs, turtles, and even fish are active. They eat food, produce waste, and stir up the nutrients on the bottom of the pond, which can lead to cloudy water or even an algae outbreak. In the winter, fish

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5 Tips to Control Mosquito Infestations

While mosquito season doesn’t start until February, there are a few things pond owners can do to get a head start on preventing an outbreak and transmitting potentially deadly diseases to humans, pets, and livestock. In 2019, four cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), a deadly disease caused by mosquitos, were reported in New England. EEE is just one of several mosquito-borne diseases becoming more prevalent in North America. Communities should not take mosquito infestations

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Fall Time Pond Maintenance Tips

The hot days of summer are almost over, which means fall is just around the corner. Falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and even a slight crisp in the air tell you that the season is changing. If you are a homeowner, HOA, or golf course manager and have one or more ponds on your property, there are a few things that you should be doing in the next few weeks. Falltime pond maintenance is crucial not

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Prepare your pond for winter

There’s No Better Time Than Now to Prepare Your Ponds for Winter Early fall is a great time to spend a few days preparing your

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